My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I read this book without having read "Me Before You". I loved it, couldn't put it down, yet I didn't want it to end. I'm now anxious to read the book that started it all. After losing Will, Lou travels to Paris, eventually comes back to England and stays with her parents. Still at loose ends, she takes a small flat in London and works at a pub in the airport. One night, while enjoying her rooftop deck, she falls off. An awning breaks her fall and although she is badly hurt, she survives. The paramedic who rescues her begins to figure in her life. During her long recuperation Lou continues to attend her grief group. A young man who also attends due to the loss of his mother makes comments that lead Lou to believe he is the paramedic's son. This case of mistaken identity further confuses Lou's life. When a teenager suddenly appears at her door and says she's Will's daughter, Lou almost unravels. The story unfolds as Lou gets to know Lily and believes that she truly is Will's daughter, although he died without knowing she existed. The story wraps up a little too neatly in the end but it is so well written that you love the characters and keep rooting for them until the inevitable happy ending.
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